We Provide
Legal Solutions
Trademark & Copyrights
The value of creative endeavors and commercial enterprises is enhanced by trademark and copyright
licensing agreements, and
enforcement, including litigation.
Individuals and massive firms alike benefit from registration, when combined with proper notices and usage. Be aware, too, that special trademark registration and usage requirements apply to marks which are not in the Latin alphabet, such as marks in the Chinese, Japanese, Korean, or Tibetan languages. The background of Russ Scarlett at Deeley King Pang & Van Etten, LLP is a valuable resource to navigate such obstacles.
Whether using trademarks or copyrights (or both) to protect and increase the value of written works, computer programs (a.k.a. software), photographs, musical works, artworks, restaurant names and décor, and much more, Russ Scarlett at Deeley King Pang & Van Etten, LLP can help to protect you.
Call (808) 533-1751 or e-mail us to discuss how Deeley King Pang & Van Etten, LLP can assist you with your trademark and copyright law needs.